Guests from Tukuyu visiting Ulm

We have additional pictures of our guests and us.
All guest are lucky to be at at home safety.

16. Guests attend the service in the Versöhnungskirche Wiblingen

17. Lunch with the Members of the congregation in Wiblingen

18. Guests attend the service in the Erloeserkirche Erbach

19. Guests at the Mission Festival in Bad Boll are reporting about Tukuyu

20. Guests are baking Bretzels in the bakery Seemann

21. Guests with a song in the Catholic Church in Dellmensingen

22. Leisure activities in Erbach

23. Leisure activities in Erbach

24. Visit to the dean’s office Ulm Mr. Gohl

24. Ist at Oberlin Haus

25. Information about solar energy

26. Information about wind energy

27. Information about Hydroelectric power station

28. Information on waste recycling

29. Information on waste recycling

30. Guests visit the Schiller School Erbach

31. Barbecue at the congregation of Dornstadt

32. Visit in the intercultural garden Ulm

33. Guests attend the service in the Christuskirche Soeflingen

34. Guests attend the service in the Diakonie Dornstadt

35. Farewell party in Söflingen

36. Farewell at the train station Ulm

37. Farewell at the train station Ulm